Monday, April 12, 2010

Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

Ken Walker = teacher
Kim Steelie = student
Principal Staremann = principal

Ken Walker walks into the classroom to find Kim Steelie with a film so he took the film from Kim and went to return the film to the principal. Kim comes storming after Ken, demanding him for her film back. Ken ignores Kim and keeps walking which pisses Kim off even more so Kim starts throwing a fit. Kim smacks Ken on the back of his head which causes Ken to stop walking. Kim takes a few step back cautiously and then everything stops at that moment; Kim is staring at the back of Ken.

After a moment of awkward silence, Kim uses the book she was carrying and throws it at Ken. Ken, infuriated, picks the book up and throws it back at Kim. Kim, with amazing athletic abilities, dodges the book and the book hits Principal Staremann as the principal walks by. Ken flinches in fear while Kim looks away from the principal as if nothing happened. The principal slowly looks away from them and keeps walking. Kim smirks and starts to head back to the classroom while Ken stands there dumbfounded.

All the other teachers stare at Ken but does not say a word and continues heading to the classroom. Ken chases after Kim to demand for an explanation but walks into the classroom to find students with tattoos, students violating the school dress code, and students reading comic books. The chairs are out of place; some students are throwing papers and pencils around. Ken stands at the doorway, trying to absorb in all of this chaos. Kim, after settling in her seat, stares at Ken and waits for him to do something about the class but Ken just stares off into the distance....

Credits to Jia Min H.

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