Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cool Paper Outline

People constantly try to be cool. The dictionary defines cool as being trendy and socially adept. Back then, those who were hard working were those that modeled the word cool. Others use drugs to calm themselves and feel cool about themselves. There are three different aspects to define cool and those are the aspects many target to make themselves look cool.

1. Some are define as cool through their physical actions.
  • lecture 12/8: getting someone else to value you; do good feel good phenomenon
  • lecture 12/16: talking down on people; judging others; sound intellectual; gait; volume
  • being skilled at something, whether it is good at dressing oneself or working well with others
2. Others do things to feel cool (emotionally)
  • lecture 12/8: taking heroin (drugs)
  • lecture 12/15: doing things to fill the emptiness inside
  • lecture 12/22: human need a sense of personal significance in a larger meaningful story
3. Masking, costuming, and aggrandizing using the body (physical appearance)
  • 12/1: major element of being cool is fashion
  • 12/16: putting on makeup, clothing, piercings, tattoos, plastic surgery, being "fit"
  • blog 12/2: cute = cool

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