Saturday, January 2, 2010

Extra Credit 1

Being cool includes having a skill, maintaining calmness, and leading a group of people. Schwartz, in The Death of Ivan Ilych, possesses these characteristics. His skill includes communicating physically instead of verbally. He is able to detach himself from situations to maintain his calmness and he refuses to conform to other groups.

Schwartz is able to communicate without words. Others are able to understand him through his actions. When Peter Ivanovich pays a visit to Ivan Ilych, Peter finds Schwartz walking down the stairs. Schwartz stops and winks at Peter, “as if to say: ‘Ivan Ilych has made a mess of things – not like you and me.” Winking is considered a cool action; an action of approval, conveying a sense of likableness. When Schwartz winked at Peter, the readers know that Schwartz approves of Peter, that he is fond of Peter. This also puts Schwartz in control; Schwartz was the one to approve someone and not the other way around. Being cool also means to be in control of an individual or a group of individuals. Schwartz is also able to convey his thoughts without saying them, a skill that not many possess. By winking to portray his thoughts adds on his coolness.

Schwartz does this action again when Peter allows two women to walk up the stairs before him. At that time, Schwartz does not move from his position at the stairs and Peter was able to understand that Schwartz wants “to arrange where they should play bridge that evening.” All Schwartz did was stand still and Peter was able to receive his message about playing bridge.

During the last time the readers see Schwartz, Schwartz again reveals his coolness physically. When Ivan’s wife takes Peter to talk alone, Schwartz winks at Peter again and gives Peter a playful look that said “That does for our bridge! Don’s object if we find another player. Perhaps you can cut in when you do escape.” Schwartz does his cool move by winking at Peter and by Schwartz’s look, Peter was able to tell that he lost his seat to play bridge.

As a cool person, Schwartz did does not allow others to influence him. On the way to see Ivan’s body, Peter finds the “playful, well-groomed, and elegant” Schwartz. Peter concludes that Schwartz is “above all these happenings and would not surrender to any depressing influences.” Schwartz’s ability to maintain his playfulness, elegancy, and well-groomed figure and Peter’s conclusion implies Schwartz’s ability to be unaffected by Ivan's death. As a cool figure, Schwartz must maintain his tranquility and detach himself from depressing situations.

Schwartz does not conform to the people who weep and mourn over death. Peter passes Schwartz to see Ivan’s and Schwartz proposes “that they should meet for a game at Fedor Vasilievich’s.” Schwartz is different than others so instead of being depressed like everyone else, he decides to lighten up the mood by playing bridge. As a cool person, Schwartz must lead his own group and not conform to others’ groups.

Schwartz is the cool figure in The Death of Ivan Ilych. His wink and his ability to talk to Peter using his actions and facial expressions support his coolness. During Ivan’s death, Schwartz was the only one who did not weep but offered to play bridge. He did not allowed death to affect him and tried to recruit others to play cards with him.

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